Project Grind House…

So, this is the big Idea, what it's all for and what we aim to achieve.
A professional level adaptable indoor training facility dedicated to all things skateboarding.
Just another walk in the park yeah!
We don't expect it's going to be easy, but it will be worth it. That is why we're directly using your money to create this dream.
It's not just about skateboarding, but skateboarding is where it began, it bought the founding members together… these group of friends that have know each other for upwards of 20 years.
It taught us resilience, resistance to the norm and to approach situations from a different perspective.
Now it's our time to give back!
We want to keep local skateboarding in the hands of local skateboarders.
We want to make this facility our community hub, the base of operations and a place to support more than just our local skate scene.
The idea is to grow our community, providing jobs and prospects in the skate industry and beyond. With service industry training in a cafe/coffee shop and eatery (with ethical and local produce wherever possible), clothing and board brands and a professional grade photography and videography studio we aim to provide prospects to the wider community as well.
We've set a preliminary target of just £50,000 (*coughs*).
This is really just a drop in the bucket, it will however, allow us to get up and running and hopefully fund a small starting premises to grow from.
We want locals involved, hell we want everyone involved, so if you feel you could help, want to help..can help! get at us @
Stay rad
Grind Supply Co